Facility Rental Pricing
Facility usage is approved on a first-come, first-served basis and is at the discretion of LYWC Staff. Any fees listed
above are to cover the services provided by the techs and/or cleaning teams. Please help us by making sure the
facility is returned to the condition in which you received it.
Any Saturday event that goes beyond 5pm is subject to a $50 cleaning fee as we will have to bring in an additional
cleaning and reset crew to prepare for Sunday morning services.
The facility is cleaned on THURSDAYS. Depending on the date of your event, the facility may not be clean due to
mid-week services. You are welcome to use the cleaning supplies which can be found in the storage closet in the
JANITORS CLOSET. Please return any supplies you use when finished.
Please take trash that contains food from your party to the dumpster which is located on the SE corner of the
church property.
Please refrain from hanging anything on or removing anything from the walls/boards.
Alcohol is prohibited at LYWC.
Events at LYWC are self-serve. You will let yourself in, and lock up when you leave. Entry codes will be provided.
The Lighting fee (If applicable) cover basic lighting. If additional lighting is needed, our Lighting Technician will need
to be hired.
If chairs are stacked against the walls or removed from the Main Auditorium you are responsible for resetting them.
A guideline for reset will be provided. The chair reset fee covers a final straightening of chairs by our team.
Payment to LYWC for services will be due one week prior to event.
LYWC facilities may only be used for activities that are consistent with Biblical principles.